The National Association of Negro Business and
Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc.
NANBPWC, Inc. a non-profit organization is supported through membership dues and contributions. Young women and men meeting eligibility requirements are invited to join the growing numbers of members who realize that dignity and equality for all in all aspects of society can be achieved only through working together. We promise the personal satisfaction that you get from helping make your community a better place to live.
Community News
NANBPWC, Inc. Greensboro Club, help feed the needy
On Sunday, November 11, 2018, Five Youth Club members volunteered at Saint James Presbyterian to serve some of the under privileged Greensboro residents. This was a great experience for all involved. Club sisters greeted the participants and served them a meal and drinks. There was great interaction between the volunteers and the participants. The participants and volunteer staff were so appreciative of the volunteers and invited the club to return again. The Greensboro Club plans to serve again in April 2018.